Licensed Users


More than half a million users rely on our apps every day to complete mission-critical tasks, enhance their knowledge, improve operations and make crucial decisions.

BinaryWave is a global technology provider specializing in Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure. Our products and services help customers automate critical business processes, improve user productivity and maintain the operational stability of critical infrastructure components. Organizations around the world rely upon us to provide workflow, support, training, dashboards, metrics, benchmarks and reporting for Office and SharePoint. At BinaryWave our mission is to make SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure work for you.

Combined Knowledge boosts business productivity for companies around the world by creating fluent, confident and self-supporting users of Office 365, SharePoint, Azure and Hybrid environments – we’re proud to have helped over 1 million people in this way already, and that number is growing every day. We achieve this with tools, like Training+, Support+, CBT and an unmatched range of premium Office 365 training,  SharePoint training, Azure and Hybrid environment training developed and delivered by Microsoft MVPs and industry experts.

Nuventive successfully servers higher education institutions and systems of all kinds – public and private, community and technical colleges, traditional colleges and universities, and larger university or statewide systems. Through proven software solutions and consulting services, Nuventive helps you generate critical momentum – across and within institutions, departments, and stakeholder groups – and move toward tangible shared goals. Together, we build a culture of continuous improvement.